Class: Interaction


The interaction manager deals with mouse, touch and pointer events. Any DisplayObject can be interactive if its interactive parameter is set to true This manager also supports multitouch.

reference to pixi.js impl

new Interaction (renderer, scene, camera, options)

Name Type Description
renderer WebGLRenderer

A reference to the current renderer

scene Scene

A reference to the current scene

camera Camera

A reference to the current camera

options Object optional

The options for the manager.

Name Type Default Description
autoPreventDefault Boolean false optional

Should the manager automatically prevent default browser actions.

autoAttach Boolean false optional

Should the manager automatically attach target element.

interactionFrequency Number 10 optional

Frequency increases the interaction events will be checked.

import { Scene, PerspectiveCamera, WebGLRenderer, Mesh, BoxGeometry, MeshBasicMaterial } from 'three';
import { Interaction } from 'three.interaction';
const renderer = new WebGLRenderer({ canvas: canvasElement });
const scene = new Scene();
const camera = new PerspectiveCamera(60, width / height, 0.1, 100);

const interaction = new Interaction(renderer, scene, camera);
// then you can bind every interaction event with any mesh which you had `add` into `scene` before
const cube = new Mesh(
  new BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
  new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff }),
cube.on('touchstart', ev => {

cube.on('mousedown', ev => {

cube.on('pointerdown', ev => {
// and so on ...

// you can also listen on parent-node or any display-tree node,
// source event will bubble up along with display-tree.
// you can stop the bubble-up by invoke ev.stopPropagation function.
scene.on('touchstart', ev => {



autoPreventDefault boolean inherited

Should default browser actions automatically be prevented. Does not apply to pointer events for backwards compatibility preventDefault on pointer events stops mouse events from firing Thus, for every pointer event, there will always be either a mouse of touch event alongside it.

Default Value:
  • false

camera Camera inherited

The renderer this interaction manager works for.

currentCursorMode string inherited

The mode of the cursor that is being used. The value of this is a key from the cursorStyles dictionary.

cursorStyles Object.<string, (string|function()|Object.<string, string>)> inherited

Dictionary of how different cursor modes are handled. Strings are handled as CSS cursor values, objects are handled as dictionaries of CSS values for interactionDOMElement, and functions are called instead of changing the CSS. Default CSS cursor values are provided for 'default' and 'pointer' modes.

eventData object inherited

An event data object to handle all the event tracking/dispatching

interactionFrequency number inherited

Frequency in milliseconds that the mousemove, moveover & mouseout interaction events will be checked.

Default Value:
  • 10

The mouse data

moveWhenInside boolean inherited

This property determines if mousemove and touchmove events are fired only when the cursor is over the object. Setting to true will make things work more in line with how the DOM verison works. Setting to false can make things easier for things like dragging It is currently set to false as this is how three.js used to work.

Default Value:
  • true

renderer WebGLRenderer inherited

The renderer this interaction manager works for.

scene Scene inherited

The renderer this interaction manager works for.

supportsPointerEvents boolean readonly inherited

Does the device support pointer events

supportsTouchEvents boolean readonly inherited

Does the device support touch events


Destroys the interaction manager

emit a event

Name Type Description
type String

event type, evnet name

Type Description
this this

hitTest (globalPoint, root)Object3D inherited

Hit tests a point against the display tree, returning the first interactive object that is hit.

Name Type Description
globalPoint Point

A point to hit test with, in global space.

root Object3D optional

The root display object to start from. If omitted, defaults to the last rendered root of the associated renderer.

Type Description
Object3D The hit display object, if any.

mapPositionToPoint (point, x, y) inherited

Maps x and y coords from a DOM object and maps them correctly to the three.js view. The resulting value is stored in the point. This takes into account the fact that the DOM element could be scaled and positioned anywhere on the screen.

Name Type Description
point Vector2

the point that the result will be stored in

x number

the x coord of the position to map

y number

the y coord of the position to map

off (type, fn)this inherited

proxy removeEventListener function

Name Type Description
type String

event type, evnet name

fn function

callback, which you had bind before

Type Description
this this

on (type, fn)this inherited

proxy addEventListener function

Name Type Description
type String

event type, evnet name

fn function


Type Description
this this

once (type, fn)this inherited

binding a once event, just emit once time

Name Type Description
type String

event type, evnet name

fn function


Type Description
this this

setCursorMode (mode) inherited

Sets the current cursor mode, handling any callbacks or CSS style changes.

Name Type Description
mode string

cursor mode, a key from the cursorStyles dictionary

setTargetElement (element) inherited

Sets the DOM element which will receive mouse/touch events. This is useful for when you have other DOM elements on top of the renderers Canvas element. With this you'll be bale to deletegate another DOM element to receive those events.

Name Type Description
element HTMLCanvasElement

the DOM element which will receive mouse and touch events.